The phenomenon of quantum entanglement has been known to scientists for well over 100 years. In laymans terms, when particles interact, they become entwined with one antother, and will continue to react the same way no matter how far apart they are. This was described as early as during Einstien’s time, although he was never able to reconcile it within his theories of relativity.
That being said, the fact is that this action has been demonstrated in the lab, under carefully controlled conditions. It is possible that two particles can become mirror images of each other, and share their characteristics such as spin, velocity, and charge over great distances. When one object experiences a change, the other one does to.
The scientific ramifications of this are still being debated. There is all kinds of math being done to see how it is possible for two particles to react to a stimulus in unison over distances that make that interaction take place at superluminal speeds. For now, we must simply wait for the experts in their fields to fill in this hole, and find out what sort of practical implications this has for the real world.
This discovery also has very important ramifications on a metaphysical level as well. Because we, and indeed our entire universe as we know it are made of particles, particle physics are of extreme importance to us understanding how nature works. We are told by experts that our Universe began in an explosion commonly known as the “Big Bang” approximately 14 billion years ago (give or take, they keep refining the age of the universe) All matter and energy in our universe was the result of this explosion.
Over the years, the elements have become more and more refined into the periodical chart that we know today. Hydrogen was fused into Helium, and so on up the chain, in the cores of the earliest stars. Those stars were the result of the matter and energy from the first erruption of the Big Bang. Which also means that all matter, at one point or another, was locked together in a close, high temperature state.
While the molecules that make up your hands may be many generations removed from the primordial hydrogen that washed through the early universe, it is still the same matter. The saying “we are made of starstuff” is becoming more and more mainstream. That makes it none the less valid. we are made of starstuff, and indeed, the very particles that first made their way into our expanding universe.
What this means is that, since the Universe came into being from a central point, where countless particles interacted with each other in a high energy state, all particles in the present universe are entwined to one degree or another. Certainly that has undergone some modification over the billions of years since creation, with ionization of atoms, nuclear fusion and fission, and perhaps processes that we are unaware of. The most important thing is that this means we are all entwined together, from the rock under your driveway, to the distant rocks on planets in another galaxy. All at one point were part of the same explosion.
If all matter and energy is entwined, as would seem to be implied by this, then science has a new avenue open to explore. Tesla and several other inventors hinted at it, with their ideas of harmonics – harmonic resonances do affect groups of particles, just as a wave of sound affects the air around us, letting us hear the wind, or a symphony orchestra. The fact is, at some level, the universe is harmonic, and is in touch with each and every single part of itself.
Since it is harmonics we are talking about, we can use sound as a model. Sound travels out in all directions (unless impeded or channeled) Sound can ring like a gong, and in intense doses can make even the most stalwart person feel weak at the knees. If all particles are entwined, and forces are changing the universe constantly, we should be able to detect and predict these interactions through harmonics, in much the same way as when we hear the sound of an engine, we can predict that a car is coming. The important thing is that sound is not an omnidirectional force, perhaps the energy acting upon our entwined molecules can echo around and produce other vibrations, just as sound does.
Could this explain why some people have exhibited extraordinary abilities like ESP? It might offer an answer for people who have seen into the future, they were only seeing how the vibrations echoed back in time. This opens up an entirely new field of physics, that might be able to reconcile some of the things we don’t yet understand, but, one day might be able to explain.
You are made of starstuff. You are connected here, and everywhere. This means you are eternal, and that all of eternity shines through you. What a fantstic creature human beings are, able to perceive and explore all these wonderful things, and what an awesome responsibility we have, to guard the species around us, protect them, and ultimately, spread life throughout the universe. By spreading life, we increase the vibration and the energy in the universe, and bring it closer to its goal of being fulfilled. So, particle entanglement becomes far more than just an interesting experiment in a lab, it could be the very thing that was encoded into us from the birth of the universe. We are the evolution of the universe, and have a duty to seek out its purpose and magnify it in any possible way. Its all hardwired right into the particles that make up our body, and the electrical currents that spark through our brain.

The night in question

To my regular readers, I apologize.  This is not my usual fare, but, I find myself having to answer a number of legitimate questions, and need a platform that I can ensure is not edited with or tampered in any way.  To those of you who are new, welcome, and I wish we could have met under better circumstances.

For the purposes of this blog and this post, I will refer to the person concerned as “our friend” or “he/him” – pardon me for being vague, but, I wish to avoid any legal entanglements, or upsetting anyone.  This may make the story a little more confusing, but, it needs to be told, and told in its entirety.  So, without further ado, lets begin.

Our friend was in the habit of greeting me in the living room when I came home.  I’d usually find him sitting on the couch, with his dog, watching whatever movie he had decided on, and generally having a good time.  I enjoyed this, coming home to a house where someone is waiting is a welcome relief from the usual solitude that I enjoy.  He might stay up late with me  (I am a night hawk) or he might be tired, but, I let him choose to do whatever he pleased.  Thats just the way I am.

He had only come to live with me for a short time, but, had settled in nicely.  He was starting to figure out that he had more freedom than he was used to, and he was starting to look forward to the future.  I was helping him find programs that he was interested in, and he showed great interest in both a business idea I had provided him with (one that I can’t capitalize on due to time and interest) and also, that he was eligible to attend school with government assistance – not loan money, grant money.  So, a lot of our conversations were focused on what he was thinking of doing next.

The night before, he was having a fine time.  He was watching Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles of all things (and commenting on his crush on Megan Fox) and he was really into the movie.  I surprised him with some homemade chips, hand cut and fried – he loved to eat, and I was happy to cook for him.  So we gobbled those up and finished the movie.  Afterwards, he wanted to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, but, I was more tired than usual, and only watched the first half before excusing myself to go to bed.

Before I went to bed, he mentioned he was nearly out of medication, and that he would need to go to the hospital in the morning.  I told him for a prescription, he’d waste the whole day at the hospital, and that he should go to his old doctor, or a walk in clinic instead.  He stressed how short he was on medication, and then gave me a list of what he was on.  It was only about  4 prescriptions, heck my parents each have double that, so I reassured him that we would figure it out shortly, and to see if he could get back with his old doctor.  After all, a family doctor is always better than anything else.  He appreciated my advice, and I went upstairs.

He finished the movie, and as I was half consciously picking away at my nighttime exercises, he said what a good time he had that night, and that he was thankful to be my friend.  I told him not to worry.  Thats what friends are for.  So, he was in high spirits, and so far as I know, he went right to bed.  (I went to sleep shortly thereafter)

I woke up the next morning, and did my daily routine.  I heard him snoring, and then waking up and moving about.  He was pretty considerate, and always waited for me to finish my routine before looking to get into the shower himself.  I bade him good  morning, and he answered through the door.  The door wasn’t locked, but, we had an open door policy – I told him I could have installed a lock if he wanted, but, I left my bedroom door open because of the cats, so mine would always be open.  He agreed to have the same, and I always respected his privacy.  At this moment, I cannot tell you exactly what is in his room because I am still respecting that privacy.

I went to work, endured a particularly hellish shift because of a new rule, and decided to treat myself to an A&W burger on the way home.  I had gone grocery shopping earlier, and had bought the ingredients for two huge turkey subs that I thought he would like, but, I was feeling too  peckish to wait, so I figured a quick burger would help me through until I could get everything together.  Little was I to know that quick meal was going to have to last me a lot longer than I suspected.

When I pulled into the driveway, the lights were off.  That aroused my suspicion because he liked to wait up for me.  However, everyone is entitled to being tired.  I had heard him moving about earlier, so I figured he probably had tired himself out doing things and had an early night.  I brought in the groceries, and noticing how quiet it was (he loved to snore) decided to check on him.

I politely knocked (Its the gentlemanly thing to do) and called his name.  There was no answer, but, I heard a little whine from his dog.  I grabbed a flashlight and my phone and opened the door – at the time, my thoughts were that if I was waking him up, he’d appreciate a flashlight more than a full barrage of lights.  However, the flashlight was to prove its use a few moments later.

He was lying on his back in bed, not moving, with one arm draped over his heart.  I called his name, shook him, and smacked him on the face – nothing.  I turned on the lights, and noticed there was a slight yellow tinge to his skin, but, on his back, there was a purplish hue.  I checked for breathing, and felt nothing.  I used the flashlight, and his pupils weren’t dilating – this all took place in a matter of seconds, so I immediately dialed 9-11, and the operator dispatched police and asked me to start CPR.

I told the operator that the downstairs door was locked, and she agreed to let me know when the emergency people arrived.  I began chest compressions – remembering my first aid course – 200 first, all at the beats that I had memorized from years of doing the same stuff.  I then went to give him a breath.  For an impossible moment, he wheezed, and I prayed with all of my might that just once, I would get to see a miracle happen.  Sadly, it did not, and he kept wheezing with each breath.

I don’t know how long the EMT’s took to respond – it felt like quite a while, but, I am sure in real life they were less than 5 minutes, probably less than 3.  I ran downstairs to open the door and then put his dog in my room, with the cats, to let them have a free hand.  The EMT’s took one look at him, and said that he was too far gone, there was nothing that could have been done.

So, I sat there, very dismayed, as the police investigated the scene, and waited for the coroners to finish their work.  The police were extremely nice, and I have since submitted a complimentary notice to their superior so that they can be commended.  They were very focused on a few things, first of all, they kept asking about the doors, and I repeated a few times that I had found them closed and locked.  They noticed some medication, and were suspicious of it, commenting how much he had of it.  The EMT immediately chipped in, explaining that it was an anti-nauseant.  So, that suspicion was dropped.

Long story short, the police finished their investigation, and told me to take a few days off (which would later have ramifications for me, but, thats irrelevant at present)  It was about 5am when they came to take him away.  I held his dog close so that she could say goodbye, in her own way.  Then they were gone, and I didn’t feel like waking up my parents or friends, so I just gathered my thoughts for a few minutes.

Now, there has been some speculation circulating, so I wish to put to bed some rumours:

  1.  I found him on his back, clutching his chest.  This suggests a heart attack or a seizure.  If he had any other motives, he would probably have been in a different position.  Very few people sleep on their back, and I have it on authority he was not one of them.
  2. Of the medication I have found so far, the only thing that could have done him harm is a medication I happen to be on something similar to.  The dose he was taking was about 1/4 of the strength I use daily, and he had most of the bottle left.  So we can rule that particular method out.
  3. He had gotten up, I know because the bathroom had been used, and he had made himself a meal of frozen peas and corn, cooked in what I can only assume was olive oil (There was no butter in the house at the time, because I try hard not to use it)  If it was going to be your last meal, surely you could have done better than that,   not only with what we had on hand, but, there is always pizza and other delivery services
  4. He was optimistic and hopeful for the future.  He was looking forward to starting anew.   That is not the mind set of someone that is going to do themselves harm.
  5. He set his alarm for the next day.  He set it to a different time each day, no one who is planning on doing harm to themselves sets their alarm, or makes plans.
  6. His dog has been adopted out to a vetrinary assistant who trains flyball teams, and is doing very well.  So that angle is covered and fine.
  7. I have witnesses that show how happy he was in his new environment, and he was grateful to be where he was.
  8. Most importantly, remember he was looking for refills on his medication which indicates he didn’t have the capability to do self harm with that.  No marks were on his body, and again, he was in good spirits
  9. His body had been ravaged by cancer treatment and stress, remember that it takes a toll on a human body.  He was tired and in pain, but, he had been conscious that day, and probably just laid down to rest, never to wake up.  Humans are fragile creatures.

So no more speculation please.  A tragedy has occured.  Our friend would have wanted us to come together, and work together during this time.  If you wish to honour him, please keep that wish in your heart at all times, and remember the bright parts he brought to our lives.  That is what he would have wanted.  That is what we should be doing.

My prayers go out to everyone who has suffered his loss.  He was larger than life, and they say the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.  He brought warmth and light to all who knew him, and if he knew that was his legacy, he would be proud.  So please join me  in celebrating our friend, his wonderful soul, and the time he spent with us.  That would be the best way to honour him.