The Zombie Economy.

We live in a world that has changed much since the 1990s.  Ever since downsizing and offshoring became the new business memes, employees have feared for their jobs, and have been bullied into accepting ever decreasing wages.  A wave of complaints has been generated by businesses that claims they cannot compete successfully if legislation to protect workers and have an equitable minimum wage are introduced (which raises the question, how is it that businesses manage to donate huge amounts of money to political campaigns, return record profits to their owners and shareholders, and yet are unable to pay their workers a living wage)  The “Business Model” is so ingrained into our psyche, that it is even applied to places like Hospitals and disability benefits, which should be administered out of compassion, not based on the bottom line.  Yes, it is a good practice to audit government institutions to protect against fraud, but, how much money is wasted on ridiculous venture capital, startups, and gambles on the stock market that could instead be put towards human needs?

The truth is, workers do need an incentive to work.  Paying them the minimum legally possible is not the way to encourage a good environment in your workplace.  When people realize the only way for them to make ends meet is to either kill themselves working multiple jobs, or to simply give up, live in subsidized housing, and subsist on welfare.  This makes no sense, even subsidies are silly when you think about it because its just more government money going to private individuals to house tenants who are on the bottom rung through whatever circumstance.

This transfer of government money to private corporations is entirely the problem with our modern economy.  It was always bad, with corporate welfare, ridiculously discounted taxes and incentives to set up shop in a particular community, but, it has risen to a completely corrupt system.  The pioneers of the industrial age like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison did not need government subsidies, they saw a need, and set forth to find a way to fill it (despite their other shortcomings)  But, a modern business can expect everything from writeoffs to outright bribery in order to even start investing in a community.

This has become worse since 2008.  A real economy would function on its own, with the government standing watch as a safeguard against abuse.  Instead of giving money to the people who would spend it and get the economy going, the government gives money to the financial institutions, who lend it out at interest, pocket the profits, and somehow this is considered a good business model?  Why is it unacceptable to have universal health care that is fairly distributed, but, it is acceptable to have given trillions of dollars to the elite financial institutions to keep them solvent?

The business world is supposed to produce products which it sells.  It is supposed to employ people, and their wages are supposed to be sufficient to allow them to purchase products which they find valuable for their life.  Not everyone deserves an 80 inch plasma high definition TV, but, products should be affordable, both in terms of value to the consumer, and in terms of affordability to the average person.  instead, manufacturing is done in nations where safety is either a tertiary concern, or worse, is non existent, and wages are so brutally low that the labourers are literally slaves to the company.

It supposedly costs $6 to make a modern cell phone with all the bells and whistles, but, it is sold for hundreds of dollars, if not more.  Where there was once the ability for a person with moderate ambition to get a factory job, work their way up the seniority list, and eventually retire with a pension, instead we have become a nation, indeed a continent of warehouses, with manufacturing taking place only in the most select cases.  Manufacturing itself is almost a lost art, tool and die makers and machinists are no longer in demand, while forklift drivers and truck drivers are the new engine that drive the economy.  And even these “low skilled” positions are commanding lower wages than a factory worker from a decade ago with one of the big 3 auto makers.

The situation is unacceptable, and must be remedied.  It is unacceptable for the consumer, who is forced to purchase products from overseas simply because they cannot afford anything else.  It is unacceptable to businesses, who depend on government grants and subsidies to operate.  It is unfair to the taxpayers, private and corporate, because their money is being turned over to banking institutions who return consistent and lucrative profits (hence the term blue chip stocks)  The only people it benefits are those who either know how to game the stock market, those few who have slugged their way up to senior executive positions, and those who have figured out how to scam venture capitalists out of cash over and over again.

The Occupy Wall Street movement never stood a chance, because their actions did not affect the 1% they protested against.  The only way that it is possible for us to move forward as a society, and as a planet is to realize that there are economic inequalities in the world, and that we need to address them.  It would be acceptable for, say, Canada and Great Britain to have free trade agreements, because both have universal health care, both have social security nets, and both do attempt to safeguard their workers (although there is most certainly corruption in both cases)  On the other hand, when either of those parties attempts to have free trade with a poorer nation which does not afford its workers protection, it temporarily causes a boom when cheap foreign products arrive, but, ultimately results in a bust, when the people cannot afford to buy those same goods because they are working at a subsistence level, or worse, are surviving off a government pension or disability.

Banks provide capital to businesses.  Businesses are supposed to generate goods and services for the people.  In return, the people need money to pay for the goods and services, which they expect to get by finding  jobs with the aforementioned businesses.  Instead of this, in the past 20 years, people have gone from looking for a good job with a company, to looking for a job with the government, because the wages and benefits are far superior in the public sector.

The government should never be the driving engine in an economy.  Instead, the government needs to regulate it, and make sure businesses and banks are prohibited from making obvious mistakes, like fractional reserve lending with a ridiculously miniscule fraction, sub prime mortgages and loans, or attempting to undercapitalize their own projects in the hopes of juicing up corporate returns.  Free trade needs to be abolished, and corporations need to be reminded of their responsibilities to their customers, not only in terms of service, but, also in providing a wage that is satisfactory for them to be able to purchase the products the corporations make.

Its no secret jobs are harder and harder to come by, and the ones in the paper typically advertise for bare minimum salaries.  This is perhaps the first thing we need to do to rebuild our economy.  Start tapering off the economic stimulus packages, and instead, let businesses learn to survive on their own, like they used to.  If the Banks and businesses learn to stop sucking at the free money provided by the government, everyones taxes will go down because we are no longer subsidizing institutions that exist solely to suck money out of our economy.

Next, we need to establish trade relations with nations that are similar to our own level of development.  While at first glance, this seems unfair, long term, it will do the lesser developed nations no good if their market goes belly up because its governments can no longer afford subsidies for companies that warehouse their products in the wealthier nation.  Trading blocks are not a bad thing, but, as the recent European crisis has shown, when you attempt to fuse wildly different economies, holidays, work schedules, and hours of operation together, the end result is a massive disparity in the haves and the have nots.  Perhaps Germany was the best example in the past 30 years, because they were able to pour massive amounts of resources into the former East Germany in order to bring it up to their standard.  South Africa provides us with the counterbalance, since after the Apartheid regime was deposed, they found themselves saddled with massive debts they were unable to pay, and the world bank was able to blackmail them by threatening to foreclose on the loans, and refuse to provide funding to build their country.

Countries like China represent massive markets, but, unfortunately the trade has gone completely the wrong way.  Instead of opening up new markets for products created in the west, instead, manufacturing has been displaced to these nations where a workers wage can be set at a far lower rate than in an already developed country.  So businesses should be forced to manufacture their products where they are going to sell them.  Even if it is only final assembly because their product requires a rare earth element that is naturally abundant in another nation, it will still provide more jobs and more equity to the nation in which they sell their products.  Again, ultimately this will disperse production worldwide, and should a local disaster develop, there will always be the capacity for that nation to rebuild by its own resources, or through a special exemption.

We need a place for low to medium skilled workers to earn a decent living.  As stated, not everyone deserves an oversized TV, but, they do deserve to live on more than beans and rice.  Protectionism worked because it equalized the playing field for national industries, and this was the natural role of the government, regulating trade with other countries to keep the economy functioning instead of driving the economy through what are, essentially, humongous donations to the banking cartels.  Free trade is possible between two countries, but, only when they are at a similar level of development, and when they each have a resource the other needs, so perhaps Canada trades Steel and Wood to Israel in return for Oranges and electronics that cannot be grown or made locally here, and this would be exempt from protectionist duties.  However, this should be negotiated carefully, and not left to the willy nilly total exemption practices that exist currently.

This would not cause any extra beaurocracy.  Indeed, crossing the border between two countries currently practicing free trade still involves customs inspections, border clearances, and releases for products.  So the idea of “free” trade is a ridiculous notion.  Sure, the businesses don’t pay any duties on the items, but, instead, they pay their money to a broker who clears the item for them.  It would be better to pay the duty, because that would force businesses to look for economic and profitable solutions at home.

No matter what, our priority must be to stop lending money to the banks.  It makes no sense for the government to be transferring money to institutions who exist solely to make money by charging interest on it.  Until 2008 the banks were blue chip stocks, why over the past 7 years did they suddenly forget how to successfully manage their own affairs?  Any successful business should be able to recover within a year or two, or else it is following the wrong model.  Banks are no different.

As stated previously, not having to spend trillions on stimulus packages would mean the overall federal budget could decrease, and so would our taxes.  Businesses are always complaining about high taxes?  This should be an idea they can all get behind.  They might not like having to pay duties again, but, when they understand that they will not be allowed to sell products without manufacturing them in the country where they intend to market them, they will adapt and become better providers.  In turn, they will have to learn to live without the cushy zero interest loans, subsidized utilities, and special land grants, and compete at the same level our grandparents generation did.

If there is a place the government could invest those trillions that would guarantee a boon to the economy, it is on infrastructure.  Most of the construction taking place now is maintenance on plumbing and electrical systems that were put in place by visionaries from decades ago.  We need those same visionaries now.  We need electrical generators, plumbing, places where development can be encouraged.  Pretty much every major city has an eyesore area, instead of leaving it to rot, clean it up and redevelop it.  This will discourage urban sprawl, and encourage people to re-use space.  Construction jobs are relatively highly paid, and there are excellent opportunities for apprenticeships, so the immediate benefit would be that more people would be working higher paid jobs, and be able to afford more.  If combined with the above suggestions, we could revitalize our country, our continent, and the entire planet, because opportunities would be widespread again, instead of limited to a few people.

Keep in mind, this model can be expanded upon.  I am not saying abandon the poorer nations, I am saying that we should show them a model in which they can build upon for themselves.  Richer people are more likely to donate money to a worthy cause, and thus a richer general population is good for everyone.  Every nation brings a different mix of ingredients to the table, and if they learn to manage them wisely and not fall under the heel of corrupt businessmen and bankers, then they will prosper.

In our current situation, we are just one massive collapse away from a global meltdown.  A new domino effect can be avoided simply by increasing personal wealth for everyone worldwide.  The time for profiteering is over, and the time to invest in our present and future is now.  We have the resources available, we have the people, and we have the technology.  Lets get to work, all of us that can, and take care of those who can’t until either they are better, or at least until they are at a level of comfort worthy of the term “dignity”  Because that is what we lack in modern society, dignity.  Restoring it will take time, vision, and a lot of effort, but, it is not an impossible task.  In fact, it is quite simple, as outlined above.  I hope someone takes note of this vision and puts it into practice, since a revolution cannot be started with just one blog.

Please share the link to this blog if you agree, not for the sake of the writer, but, for the sake of the future.


I don’t like to be serious all the time, and thank goodness the world is never short of news that makes you scratch your head, and is maybe worth a chuckle at the same time..

$4000 in ribs, chicken and fries is no laughing matter.  It must have consisted of a major portion of the stores stock.  Now while I do feel compelled towards sympathizing with the business owners, this article raises some very interesting questions about our suspect.

For the sake of argument, lets assume that this particular shop has prepared or raw ingredients lying around, and that the crook will cook them later at his own residence.  Judging from supermarket prices, that is still a heck of a lot of meat to haul around.  I do harbour doubts that that the offender is going to eat them all at once, there is probably a hoard of some sort involved here.

More interestingly, this means that the perpetrator was familiar enough with the ribbers to have cased the joint beforehand, ensured that they had quality food, and somehow brought along enough transportation to haul that much product home with him.  Assuming local prices (which are probably not the same, but, are as accurate as I can get) this is the equivalent of a total of 200 racks of ribs, or, presuming a breakdown, enough chicken,  wings, and ribs for 75-100 people.

The criminal was able to plan well enough to break in, steal the product, and secure it in his vehicle before making his escape.  Thats a heck of a lot of work for one man.  Again, if we presume this was prepared product (prepped in industry terms) then that is a lot of animal carcasses.  With some trepidation, it can be asserted confidently that this man was not looking for a one time event, but, rather, enough food storage to make it through for a while.

Presuming again that this is not for a one off gig, we might assume this individual had recently gone through a downturn in his luck, and realized if he attempted to burglarize the store, he would be recognized by staff if he ever went in again, so he had to stock up his food stores for some time.  This in turn implies that the thief has enough refrigeration capacity to keep this product fresh for a considerable amount of time.  Even if he was planning on immediate use, the same capacity would be necessary,  given that the caper commenced on a Wednesday, and generally people plan for big parties on the weekend.

While meat could be stored in less demanding facilities for a few days, it is probably beyond the capacity of most households to actually cook that much pork and chicken so quickly, not to mention what was probably an astronomical amount of french fries.  Our ribbing robber hopefully planned for this contingency, because disposing of that much animal protein after it had spoiled would be a truly nasty job.

Again, we wish to state we are not in any way making fun of the business owners plight here.  Their insurance will cover the loss, but, that will drive their rates up, and ultimately they will be short on product for a few days.  The article does not mention a chain, so it was likely a locally run mom and pop business that got hurt in this caper.  Indeed a tragedy, and one that I hope the owners can recover from.  Restaurants generally do not have high profit margins, so I hope they are well established enough to be able to make things right with their customers and be able to shrug off this unfortunate incident.

This is what makes the article so interesting from the criminals standpoint.  He had to be a visitor there before.  He had to know what quality of product he was getting.  If you’re going to throw a party, you’re not going to impress  people with burgers from the number 1 chain worldwide.  You have to have an angle.  This chef of chicanery has somehow figured out all the logistics to this operation, from where the product was located, how to break in, how to transport it, how to store it and/or cook it, and most importantly, somehow feels a need to secure the product.

Perhaps indeed the thief has a hundred friends or more that he is seeking to entertain, but, that would also imply he had the space to house all those people for whatever event (and I did appreciate the superbowl party reference) and the ability to cook it quickly enough to satisfy them.  This is why I subscribe more to the theory of a prepper, or someone who has just gone through a tragedy and wanted to have a supply of their favourite foods on hand.  This man put a heck of a lot of effort into his crime, and the likelihood is that he will have to put a lot more in to capitalize on it.

Even if the thief attempts to sell it somehow for a quick buck, he still runs into the problem of storage, awareness, and price.  So again, we run across another possibility that seems very unlikely.  The most probable use is for personal consumption over the long term, because even large items like ribs can be stored very effectively in box freezers, and everything else adds an additional level of difficulty to the operation.  It is a one time supply that likely cannot be replenished, after all, it is a mom and pop joint that probably doesn’t share their preparation or sauce secrets with rivals.

So, once again, we have proved that the world is a bizzare place, with people capable of the most unusual things.  One hardly needs the paranormal to make the world a weirder place, but, when the human mind is capable of conceiving and motivating itself to pull off a crime like this, the paranormal suddenly becomes not so far fetched, but, actually pretty tame and believable.  So, next time you wander into a local haunt, imagine what sort of insane things those walls have seen, what the smiles of servers and management are hiding in the secrets of their minds.  Be it a legend of a ghost haunting a bed and breakfast, or a super crime that boggles the mind, we must remember that there is always another layer to the world.  The one that we initially see, and the one that lies just beyond, the one that lies in the fascinating grip of the psychology of the human race capable of flying to the moon, and tearing the wings off flies.  Always be on the lookout for the deeper story, because it will always be there for you, if you dig deep enough!

Announcement – Publication Date Coming

For those of you who have followed this blog for some time, it is obvious that the author is fairly prolific with writing, yet for most of 2014, this blog remained silent.  There was a reason for this.  One that will hopefully interest and delight most of you, as the audience.

2014 was spent burning out two laptops in an attempt to publish two books.  One is a fiction serial that will remain unpublished until it gets a little more polished.  The second was an expose on King Solomon, examining parts of his life that remain in the narrative of the Tanakh, and the Qu’ran, and trying to fit together a picture of the man who has inspired so much myth about his legendary powers and wisdom.

The current target date for publication in E Book form will be March 1st.  Hardcopies will hopefully be available shortly thereafter, although that is a matter that is still being looked into.

In the meantime, it is my intention to split my attention between finishing off “The Secrets of Solomon” and maintaining this blog.  The aim is to post twice per week, hopefully with an entertaining or inspiring topic, as always, and even include some news of the weird, or analyzing tales of the paranormal.

Consider this blog reactivated and functional again, and if possible, I will post more often than twice per week.  Hopefully my writing style has evolved to a more polished prose, and will be around for your enjoyment for some time.

For those of you coming across this blog for the first time, please use the index to read past articles.  For those of you who have supported me since the beginning, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  It would give me great pleasure for everyone to leave comments, and share this blog for others to enjoy by selecting an article you find interesting and posting the link to the various social media outlets.

Thank you all, your views inspire me, and I endeavour to improve the quality and pace of my writing in order to satisfy everyone.


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How to defeat terrorism.

In the past 15 years there has either been a renaissance, or a rise in terrorism (depending on your perspective)  From the events of 9/11 to the latest killings in Paris, it seems as though groups are crying for attention, and the best way to get that attention is to conduct bombings, mass shootings, and perhaps even computer hacking.  The supposed purpose of these actions are to shock the public into either acquiescing to the terrorists demands, or to removing those who oppose the terrorists views altogether through violence.  The core of terrorism therefore is the use of violence to spread ones own world view, and quash any resistance or opposition through the threat of said violence.

There is another group which accomplishes these same aims, but, yet are known by an entirely different name.  They are the mafia, and are just as likely to use bombs, assassinations, and threats to get their way.  They even will claim to be highly religious people.  There are two chief differences between the groups.  First of all, the Mafia are known as criminals, instead of terrorists.  Secondly, the Mafia generally prefer to avoid mass attention, keeping their activities restricted to a given area or territory, while terrorists want as much attention as possible.  It should also be noted that we are speaking of Mafias as a general term, without singling out any particular group, because of course each different Mafia organization has different methods, different memberships, and different areas of specialty.  But, the Mafia tends to prefer to keep to the shadows as their primary mode of operation.

This reveals an important part of the terrorists psyche.  Unlike the Mafia member, who wants to do his job quietly, the terrorist wants as many news crews and government agencies as possible to witness him.  So we can infer that one of the primary motives behind terrorists and terror activities is attention seeking.  It is an expression of narcissism and arrogance on a grand scale, painted in colours of blood, and executed with the fervor of an undisciplined sociopath.  It can easily be argued, therefore, that without attention, terrorism goes away.

In our modern world, there is an immense amount of effort and energy devoted to surveillance.  Be it traffic cameras, news teams snooping for a scoop, or even private individuals with cell phone cameras, chances are a great deal of the civilized world is covered by a potential attention giver at any given time.  Certainly in the deepest jungles, or most hostile wilderness, you can escape this surveillance network, but, generally speaking, sooner or later, a camera is going to detect you.

Terrorists depend on this.  They use it to issue demands, statements, and spectacles for their target audience.  They use it to execute actions that they believe will further their goals, like broadcasting beheadings on the internet, or abducting civilians and killing them at random.  They believe their violence and probable death will make them into a martyr.  However, their actions ultimately are the same criminal activities at what the Mafia executes in quiet.  Terrorists are Criminals with a more glamorous name.

There is nothing in their actions that deserves a separate label.  Terrorists have organizations, but, so do Mafias.  Terrorists range over international borders, so do Mafias.  Both groups commit crimes ranging from theft to arson to assassination.  Their activities are mutually best described as criminal.  But, Terrorists crave the attention, and by giving them their  own separate category, we are doing ourselves a disservice.

The first line of defense we need to consider is taking away the attention that they seek.  Instead of calling them “terrorists” which is a buzz word, we could easily substitute the word “criminal”.  That way, on the evening news, when a violent action is committed, instead of feting the perpetrators with a particular name, we could simply call them criminals.  This would diminish their sense of uniqueness and, in the vernacular, reduce them to the status of rather blase people with unenviable goals.

This is certainly not meant to promote a media blackout of coverage of mass shootings or organized groups who commit atrocities, but, rather an attempt to relabel them so that they will not feel they are getting any special attention.  Admit it, if you heard “Criminals attempted to hijack an airline” it sounds like a job for the police, while if you replace the same word with “Terrorists”  you get the idea of a person in a ski mask who could be lurking behind any corner.

The power of the human mind is expressed in words.  Let us take away the words that empower terrorists and demote them to criminals, and lump them in with the rest of the population.  If the media would take this simple step, Terrorists would be unable to distinguish themselves as easily, and lose the attention that they so desperately crave.  Criminals are the same the world over, they seek to do things to defy the law.  For those who choose to do it for the benefit of a group, the penalty should be the same, be it a member of the Mafia, or of some obscure terrorist faction.

Disarming terrorism includes shifting our own mind set to defeat their goals.  This is but one of many easy steps we could take that would not in any way endanger our rights and freedoms, but, would deal a severe blow to the aims of those who seek to destabilize society, and attract attention while doing it.  Criminal organizations have been known about for years, and there are many successful ways to combat them, by starting to use these simple steps, we can move towards a world that is truly democratic, free, and will discourage those of ill will to shoot up a doughnut shop because they feel they need to wave a flag, shout a phrase, or in any other way attempt to destroy the social contract that binds us all together.

Laws are laws.  It is universally accepted and proscribed in countries that murder is illegal.  Be it for the purposes of collecting a debt, or zealotism, the punishment should be the same, and all efforts should be made to unearth the criminal organization that organized said action.  There are also universal statutes regarding theft, bribing, intimidation, and many other activities that destabilize a society.  Let us label these properly as criminal activities, and dismiss any means of glorifying an activity that does damage to us all as a nation, and as people of this planet.

Watch your wallets… and your gullets (short one today)

The link kind of says it all, doesn’t it?  But, its the sad truth that when we go overseas, or even to tourist attractions in our own country that are outside of our normal comfort zone, we are vulnerable to so many scams.  Unscrupulous locals may decide to “introduce” us to bogus local “traditions”, total junk can be passed of as a seeming bargain, and worst of all, you could wind up with a cabbie or tour guide who will hold you hostage in exchange for a tip (or a ransom, depending on your perspective)

Truth be told, we don’t need to travel far to find this, and there are plenty of scams operating in your local town.  That being said, it is imperative not to get paranoid about everything you read on the internet, or get told by a “helpful friend”  We all see those facebook statuses that claim that if they get X amount of shares, money will be donated (it won’t)  Our ID cards and banking cards are infused with RFID chips that can be read with a scanner, and even asking for advice online can be fraught with trolls and ill informed people.  ( for example)

The best thing to remember is that there are excellent sources to cross check so called facts with.  Snopes is probably among the best known web sites.  Rationalwiki is also a good way to find out if something is valid or not (or at least give you a relatively unbiased perspective)  These are tools, and don’t forget to use them when you read something online that seems too good to be true, or hear about a local urban legend that just crosses the line of credulity.

Also never buy stereo equipment out of the back of the van.  I find it very difficult to believe that people actually do this, but, having been offered “high quality” gear in parking lots over the years, its obvious there are people who are actually purchasing these things, because otherwise people wouldn’t be perpetuating the scam.  You don’t need to do any research to realize something is a scam.  Trust your instincts.  If something is too good to be true, back away and do your research.

Any reputable businessman or information will withstand the test of time and patience.  Salesman might try a high pressure sales tactic like they have another buyer, or this is a limited time offer, but, do yourself a favour, walk away from anyone offering such a “deal”.  Protect yourself, know your rights, and know the market.  A little research, which is very easy in the modern age with various search engines, will pay dividends in your life.

Above all, be safe, be informed, and if you travel somewhere, know the local customs.  It could save your money, and even your life.

By the way, this blog is active again, and will be maintained more regularly now that my book is ready to be published.  More details to follow, but, the e book will be available shortly.  Stay tuned for more news of the strange, the unusual, and whatever my muse desires me to write!