The mysterious message

I am one of those people who like to write myself notes to keep on top of things. Today was no different. I walked in the door, tired and just wanting to sit down, when a note fell out of my pocket.

“Family Honor” it read.

I pondered it for a moment. What did it mean? I didn’t remember writing the note, but, it was definitely my penmanship.

I do sometimes use American spelling, so the lack of the “U” was not a consideration, but, the thought itself was curious. Its not usually something I think about, so obviously it was important. After all, I had meant for myself to find it later in the day and deal with it.

Family honor. Well, I am writing a book, so I was tracing plot details through my mind. Was I trying to inspire myself? Was I trying to give a detail that I had forgotten? No, I decided. That couldn’t possibly be it.

I then thought about my parents and relatives. All are in relatively good health, and none had made any appeals to me lately, so the mystery continued. As a matter of fact, I had had a conversation with my Father earlier in the day, and he seemed quite content. He had even mentioned his concern about the recall on the airbags in my car…..


“Family Honda” the note had read.

Note to self: Write slowly when you have something important to say.

And as a note to everyone else:  My new book’s launch date is April 10th.  I’ll be uploading the link for pre-orders as soon as it is ready!